Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Kim's Speech

I guess Toastmasters has been paying off. 

New North Korean leader makes first public speech

thumbnailPYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) - North Korea's new leader addressed his nation and the world for the first time Sunday, vowing before cheering troops and bouquet-waving citizens to place top priority on his impoverished nation's military, which promptly unveiled a new long-range missile. The speech was a highlight of two weeks of celebrations marking the centenary of the birth of his grandfather, nat...

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This succinct email was sent from my iPhone. 


  1. Kim's prepared speech:
    My Dear Fellow North Koreans,
    We fucked up. Whoever designed this rocket will be severely punished.

    1. On the one hand, they've got to know that aeronautic engineers don't just grow on trees, so you'd think someone high up would look at this rationally and see that setbacks such as this are par for the course.

      On the other hand, we've seen people executed for major screw-ups, including those that cause embarrassment, like the apparatchik (dis)credited for the Great Currency Obliteration of 2009.

      One would hope for these scientists' sake that they simply got punished with reduced rations or something.


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