Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Looks like Wikipedia picked the wrong day to quit providing free information

Today, of all days, why did Wikipedia have to go black? I have about three or four days of research to cram into the next six hours.

Yeah, yeah, freedom of the Internet, woo hoo! and all that. But I need my quickie resources and questionable factoids now!



  1. The Korean and Japanese versions of Wikipedia are working fine.

  2. Yeah, the protest over SOPA and PIPA is only with the English-language site. You'd think the Korean site would join in, since some KoKos love to demonstrate over 소파.

    Unfortunately, though, I need to verify main and alternate spellings of certain things, and that can't be done with the non-English sites.

  3. The apps seem to be working too.

    1. Ooh, good point! Although my Wikipedia apps seem to be very inconsistent.

  4. You can use the google cache of each page without too much difficulty.

    1. Thanks. I've actually found a suitable workaround: the Dictionary app that comes with Macs running OS X has a Wikipedia function that is working fine.

      Knock on wood.

  5. By simply disabling javascript in your browser, you can view the actual wikipedia

  6. Throw "*" into your browser's adblock filters. Poof, no more blackout.


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