Sunday, July 25, 2010

So will they fill City Hall Plaza in the middle of the night for this?

Apparently Korea Republic is in the quarter finals for U-20 women's soccer.

The match is at 6:30 p.m., German time, the wee hours of the morning on the Peninsula.


  1. Hey, this might actually be exciting! World Cup Redemption via the U-20 women? Why not?! Go Korea!

  2. Hmm... you got me to thinking that maybe FIFA has all these different tournaments (U-5 World Cup!) as a sort of consolation prize because almost everyone in the main FIFA World Cup loses. This way, with some forty or so U-x men's or women's World Cup this or that, odds are they'll win something.

    Seriously, though, it's a good way for countries outside the European leagues to build up their player base, methinks.


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