Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Loose change for February 9, 2009

 Economic news 
 North Korea news and stuff 
 Other Korea-related stuff 
  • Seoul is seeking hundreds of documents Imperial Japanese authorities and individuals spirited away during the occupation of Korea. 
  • Most South Koreans believe inter-Korean exchanges will reduce tensions.
  • With dengue-carrying mosquitoes spotted in Cheju-do, some worry that a dengue fever outbreak could hit South Korea. The potential public health disaster is already causing problems: most Koreans can't pronounce it and most anglophones can't spell it.
  • The National Human Rights Commission is saying that detention facilities need to be upgraded and improved to protect the children whose parents face legal troubles or deportation over immigration violations.
  • The Korea Herald says that changing tourism slogans is just plain confusing.
  • A realistic war simulation program by Lockheed-Martin was used in recent ROK-US exercises.
  • Would you like to read the latest muddled piece from Korea Times reporter Kang Shin-who? This one's about whether or not illegal English tutoring will become legal when Immigration just throws up its hands in defeat. At least that's what I think it's about.
  • The government is calling on South Korean diplomats abroad to have a business spirit. I guess that means over-leveraging and nepotistic hiring.  
  • Anti-gun extremists want Starbucks to ban customers from openly carrying guns in their California stores.
  • Former California Governor (and current Attorney General) Jerry Brown still hasn't declared his (expected) intentions to run again for the governorship.
  • Long-running television program "Gunsmoke" is to be remade as a film starring Brad Pitt, or Ryan Reynolds, or someone else as Marshal Dillon.
  • An unruly passenger has blamed his double dose of pot brownies for the erratic behavior that got him arrested after his flight was diverted. 
  • Frances Reid, the last original member of the long-running soap "Days Of Our Lives" whose final appearance was in 2007, died last week at the age of ninety-five. When I was a kid, the babysitter made me watch that show while eating the leftover tuna casserole my mom had prepared for us.
  • A defense of the Tim Tebow commercial for conservative Focus On The Family, a commercial that the National Organization for Women tried to force out of the Superbowl lineup.
  • This is a really old CNN story, but some scientists worry that a collapse of an island in Canaries could trigger a megatsunami that could wipe out parts of the Atlantic coasts of North America, Europe, South America, and Africa.
  • Chinese patents are surging, while the US's are waning (and South Korea's saw a slight uptick). 

1 comment:

  1. I bet those morons who lambasted the "Tebow" ad before it even aired "NOW" feel pretty stupid. I actually thought it was warm and celebrated family, but I can't wait until they start to air ads on human cloning. I feel the need for some new organs coming on a lot more than I need another six pack.


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