Thursday, February 25, 2010

Loose change for February 25, 2009

 Economic news 
 North Korea news and stuff 
 Other Korea-related stuff 
  • The number of newborns in 2009 hit a four-year low of 445,000. The article doesn't make clear if that's just Caucasian-looking babies like in the graphic at right.
  • The suspected Taliban-affiliated fake imam who was arrested in Taegu apparently took a page out of Andrea Vandom's playbook and filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (HNRCK) that he was being unfairly tailed.
  • The Blue House has joined the micro social networking service me2day. 
  • South Korea's meteorological body will hold a forum this week in Seoul regarding earthquake safety.
  • A third child has been found dead inside a model of LG washing machine that can't be opened from the inside. 
  • Respondents to a poll say that incumbent Seoul Mayor Oh Sehoon is the most qualified candidate for the job.
  • An HSBC economist is encouraging South Korea to focus its tourism on China's middle class. There's a joke in there somewhere about the middle class from the Middle Kingdom. 
  • Official records of South Korean nationals born abroad will now reflect local time of birth instead of Korean time of birth to prevent confusion caused by discrepancies between documents from Korea and those of the birth country. In accordance with "Korean age," however, children will continue to be two years old just months after their birth.

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