Thursday, January 14, 2010

US Finder 2010-01

Modeled after ROK Drop's Korea Finder. The winner at the end if the year will be given something nice by GI Korea. :)


  1. Well, I'm disappointed no one even tried this one. Maybe I need to give a hint. It's in California.

  2. Well, it's not obscure if you've made the drive up (or down) California's principal Interstate.

    If you've never been to California, or you have no idea about US military bases, it would be too obscure, I suppose, but millions in California would know this, methinks.

  3. Well, since no one got it, I'll give the answer: It's the Orange Balloon at the Orange County Great Park.

    OCGP is gradually being carved out of the former El Toro Marine Base, a sprawling military installation built up in the World War II era in the center of Orange County. In 1993, as the Cold War drew to a close, the base itself was slated for closure, and residents from south OC (South County, as we say) and north OC argued endlessly about whether to turn the base into a park or a major international airport.


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