I dozed off while tracking Santa via
NORAD, so this is me getting up the next morning to finish the news report I should have done about seven or eight hours ago. Nothing has actually changed: Japanese textbooks are still removing the claim to Tokto but speaking euphemistically about territorial claims (which, to be fair, includes things other than Tokto). A step in the right direction for good relations, I suppose. And other stuff, too, but none of it really comes together for a Yuletide theme.
- In absence of direct mention of Tokto but a general description that Japanese students understand territorial problems, Seoul reiterates its position that there is no territorial dispute with Tokyo (Xinhua)
- Crew of plane carrying tons of North Korean weapons detained for at least twelve more days (ABC, WSJ, AP via WaPo)
- National Assembly passes bill allowing for quick deployment of ROK troops for UN peacekeeping operations (Korea Times)
- Korea Institute for Defense Analyses believes North Korea could conduct a third nuclear test (AP via WaPo, Yonhap)
- South Korea is considering a cap-and-trade scheme to control greenhouse gases (Yonhap)
- North Korean authorities detain "obese, jocular" deer herder crossing Tuman River (Yonhap)
- Finnish embassy in Pyongyang demands to see prisoner (AFP)
- Confiscated goods include DVDs, MP3 players, and extensive list of contacts (AP via WaPo)
- KCNA releases Dear Leader's favorite venison recipes (Xinhua)
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