To be fair, though, he didn't win with easy words like the one: there were a lot of toughies, like messiah, anointed, and potato. I guess he deserved the award just for not misspelling potato.
Pearls of witticism from 'Bo the Blogger: Kushibo's Korea blog... Kushibo-e Kibun... Now with Less kimchi, more nunchi. Random thoughts and commentary (and indiscernibly opaque humor) about selected social, political, economic, and health-related issues of the day affecting "foreans," Koreans, Korea and East Asia, along with the US, especially Hawaii, Orange County and the rest of California, plus anything else that is deemed worthy of discussion. Forza Corea!
I wonder how Obama did in fantasy football...
ReplyDeleteAnother one? Wasn't the powerball post enough?
ReplyDeleteNot impressed.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Barry going to solve the whole BCS college football mess? This year's BCS will probably end up pretty complex too...
The Expat wrote:
ReplyDeleteAnother one? Wasn't the powerball post enough?
You have no idea how dead I can beat this horse. :)
Well, then let's keep 'em coming!;)