No big story jumping out today. Ri Gun, a top North Korean diplomat, is visiting Beijing — perhaps listening to some would-be marching orders — on his way to the US for a rare visit by a DPRK official. Hyundai and Kia are going to get some serious competition on their home turf as Toyota expands its wares from its Lexus luxury line to the cars it sells for the hoi polloi.
- After being holed up for four weeks, nine North Korean refugees leave Danish embassy in Hanoi for South Korea (Reuters via CNBC)
- South Korea is considering an increase in its contribution to the US-led effort in Afghanistan (Yonhap, Xinhua)
- Toyota introduces four models, including flagships Camry and Prius, into South Korean market (AP via CNBC, Bloomberg, Chosun Ilbo)
President Lee embarks on Southeast Asian trip (Korea Herald), asks Vietnam to engage in strategic partnership (Joongang Daily)
- Government to restrict political activities of public employees, including supporting political parties, issuing statements, or participating in anti-government rallies (Yonhap)
- Environment Minister Lee Maanee says issue of USFK base clean-up appears to be coming to a close (Korea Times)
- Two-year-old girl and sixty-six-year-old man, both with chronic disease, bring H1N1 "swine flu" death total to twenty (Joongang Daily)
- South Korea to store DNA samples of convicted felons (Korea Times)
- Chief of Korea Development Bank, largest creditor of GM Daewoo, said Korean automaker's future is in doubt (Joongang Daily)
- Former presidential candidate Lee Hoi-chang proposes open debate over controversial Sejong City plan (Korea Herald)
- North Korea's Mass Games come to a close after fifty-day extended run (AP via WaPo)
- US Trade Representative says US got a better deal than the EU on cars (Yonhap)
- Seoul Arts Center announces exhibition of historical photographs, One Hundred Years of Forcing Foreigners to Wear Hanbok (Yonhap)

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