Anyway, courtesy of Korea Beat, here's a post-flood scene in Pusan.

My plan this afternoon is to write a children's story based on this picture, which I will call The Little Forklift That Could.
Pearls of witticism from 'Bo the Blogger: Kushibo's Korea blog... Kushibo-e Kibun... Now with Less kimchi, more nunchi. Random thoughts and commentary (and indiscernibly opaque humor) about selected social, political, economic, and health-related issues of the day affecting "foreans," Koreans, Korea and East Asia, along with the US, especially Hawaii, Orange County and the rest of California, plus anything else that is deemed worthy of discussion. Forza Corea!
man, i even recognize that street. it's not too far from where i went to high school. awesome! too bad nothing cool ever happened back then.