It's not just the Korea Times cartoonist who some folks think is a "jerkoff" with bad taste. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is denouncing the cartoon below, drawn by Pulitzer Prize-winning American political cartoonist Pat Oliphant (whose recent cartoons can be found here).

Pat Oliphant is no stranger to controversy over what some describe as racial/ethnic caricature. In 2001, at the height of tensions between Beijing and Washington over the crash landing of a US spy plane on Hainan Island, after which the crew (all of whom survived) were detained, Oliphant drew a cartoon that the Asian American Journalists Association said "crossed the line from acerbic depiction to racial caricature." Among other things, it depicted a mad Chinese man screaming "Lotten Amellican!" Ah, good times.
Well, in the end I suppose it's all good. Freedom of speech for the press means freedom of speech for the public to complain.
i actually think the korea times' editorial cartoons are pretty brilliant, esp. when they're at their most misanthropic.