President Obama (gee, that is so pleasant to type) summoned Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr so he could retake the oath of office required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 8 of the Constitution.
"Because it was so much fun" the first time, the new President joked.
INAUGURATION FUN FACT:The President's middle name is "Hussein." Did you know that? Holy shit, when he said, "I, Barack Hussein Obama," that just blew me away! We elected a guy whose middle name is Hussein! What the hell? Were we all high? And what were his parents thinking?! Man, they must have been cruel.
Some feared that if maybe-maybe-not-President Obama didn't redo the oath (as Presidents Chester A. Arthur and Calvin Coolidge also did) then his misplaced adverb would mean that he wasn't legitimately the president and he would in fact have no executive authority (and you just know the Obama-is-not-a-natural-born-citizen brigade would be all over that).
Egads. The grammar Nazis have infiltrated the government (no wonder Sonagi moved so close to Washington DC).
What happened was that the Chief Justice himself was the one who flubbed the oath, and the President-elect-on-the-verge-of-being-President simply followed suit, repeating back what the Chief Justice had said. During the day's luncheon a short while later, Roberts admitted to the President that the gaffe was the Chief Justice's own fault.
Actually, this entire incident just confirms what Obama's critics have been saying about him all along: Without a TelePrompTer, Obama's really not a very good speaker.

[above: After the second oath, Roberts and Obama reenact a favorite scene from Valkyrie. (Hey, it was either that or a joke about the Chief Justice high-fiving the Chief Executive.)]
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