I have little time today, so I'm going to Marmotize this post...
The International Herald Tribune talks about North Korea-centered talks not related to nukes. These involve North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and the World Food Program, the UN food aid agency.
The IHT says that, "at stake is whether the North Korean regime will turn back the clock on economic reforms, strengthen political control over the population and torpedo an ongoing humanitarian aid effort."
With the North deciding to boot out food providers who demand to keep tabs on their food aid, and with the North returning to a command economy, experts say conditions are ripe for a return of deadly food shortages and worsening malnutrition.
Read the article.
Pearls of witticism from 'Bo the Blogger: Kushibo's Korea blog... Kushibo-e Kibun... Now with Less kimchi, more nunchi. Random thoughts and commentary (and indiscernibly opaque humor) about selected social, political, economic, and health-related issues of the day affecting "foreans," Koreans, Korea and East Asia, along with the US, especially Hawaii, Orange County and the rest of California, plus anything else that is deemed worthy of discussion. Forza Corea!
Kim, Mentally ill...I say. A psycho sometimes does outwit normal people, and that's just a terrible situation no one want to see.